-IANS Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday approved setting up a monitoring system to fast track implementation of major projects with outlay of over Rs.1,000 crore, a day after the official data showed contraction in manufacturing activities. "In order to address the issue of major investment projects being delayed for a variety of reasons, the Prime Minister has approved setting up of an Investment Tracking System to ensure speedy implementation of such projects,"...
With slowing growth, people are now questioning the long-term Indian story
-The New York Times India's coalition government just celebrated the third anniversary of its tenure with a self-congratulatory banquet that could not have been more poorly timed: India's currency, the rupee, is falling; investment is down; inflation is rising; and deficits are eating away at government coffers. While short-term growth has slowed but not ground to a halt, India's problems have dampened hopes that it, along with China and other non-Western economies,...
More »Jobs go missing -TK Rajalakshmi
The World of Work 2012 report presents a bleak picture of the global job situation. FOUR years after the global crisis erupted in 2008, organisations such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) believe that labour markets still have not fully recovered. The world economy is not expected to grow at a sufficient pace over the next couple of years to overcome the crisis. These organisations present some depressing facts: those...
More »Economic Slowdown: Poor to feel fund crunch-Chetan Chauhan
The global Economic Slowdown may pinch the poor in India. The Planning Commission is redrawing its projections for the 12th five year plan (2012-17) in wake of current global economic situation and could end up scaling down money for welfare schemes. Health, education and rural development are not expected to get the hike they had sought and allocations for some other ministries are likely to fall, prompted by a lower growth. The...
More »In India, an Inflation Dilemma -Anant Vijay Kala
Inflation in India rose above expectations in April, making life difficult for the nation's central bank as it tries to revive an economy facing increased stagflation risks. The Reserve Bank of India last month cut its policy rate for the first time in three years to boost sagging growth. But inflation has remained stubbornly high, raising concerns the economy may be facing a nightmare scenario of slowing growth and rising prices. On...
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