Government officials who came to carry out soil testing for a proposed atomic power plant in Gujarat's Bhavnagar district had to go back due to resistance and demonstrations by local villagers. The 8,000 MW capacity plant, a joint venture of the Central and State governments with the support of the United States, is to be set up close to the Alang ship-breaking yard in coastal Saurashtra. The people of five villages fear...
Villagers protest against proposed atomic plant by Manas Dasgupta
Officials who came for soil testing sent back Government officials who came to carry out soil testing for a proposed atomic power plant in Gujarat's Bhavnagar district had to go back due to resistance and demonstrations by local villagers. The proposed 8,000 MW capacity plant, a joint venture of the Central and State governments with the support of the United States, is to be set up close to the Alang ship-breaking...
More »Soft battles by TK Rajalakshmi
Many governments in the developing world lack the will to eradicate child labour, says the third ILO global report on the deplorable practice. The effects of the present global economic and financial crisis, rather than its causes, have been the central preoccupation of organisations such as the International Labour Organisation in recent times. The ILO, in particular, has focussed on the impact of the crisis on populations within the least...
More »Mobile tower health probe
Delhi High Court today told the Centre to form a committee of technical and medical experts to examine potential Health Hazards from mobile phone towers, saying the issue was more important than monetary considerations. The court order said whether radio waves “pose any serious health threat or not, and what precautions are required to be taken so that there are minimal chances of causing any threat to the health of...
More »US engineers praise Sulabh technology
In a rare recognition, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has acknowledged the role of low-cost, green toilet technology developed by Indian NGO Sulabh International in achieving United Nation's Millennium Development Goals. ASCE has said that Sulabh's indigenous technology will not only help in tackling the issue of global warming but also improve community health, hygiene and environment in the developing world. According to Sulabh's founder Bindeshwar Pathak, who visited...
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