-Scroll.in Led by the All India Kisan Sabha, the protestors are planning to protest at the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha on Monday. Thousands of farmers in Maharashtra are marching from Nashik to Mumbai, demanding a complete waiver of Loans and electricity bills, NDTV reported on Thursday. They are also demanding the implementation of the Swaminathan Commission’s recommendations on providing minimum support prices and safeguarding the interests of small farmers. “We want the state...
25,000 Farmers March From Nashik to Mumbai, Demand Complete Loan Waiver
-News18.com The farmers plan to 'gherao' the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha after reaching Mumbai on March 12 to protest against the government’s “anti-farmer” policies Nashik: Nearly 25,000 farmers are marching from Nashik to Mumbai to protest against the government’s “anti-farmer” policies and press for various demands, including a complete loan waiver. They plan to 'gherao' the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha after reaching Mumbai on March 12, said Sunil Malusare of the All India Kisan...
More »How Mallya & Modi could teach debt-ridden Vidarbha farmers to stay cool -Jaideep Hardikar
-The Indian Express Two loan defaults lead to two different outcomes, year upon year, a nightmare version of déjà vu. The former exits the country; the latter exits the mortal world. Liquor baron Vijay Mallya and diamond jeweler Nirav Modi could jointly run a crash course for the debt-ridden and beleaguered farmers of Vidarbha, nay the entire country: How to stay cool with unpaid debts. Mallya could tell the peasantry, for instance, how...
More »Economists Hit Out Against Move to Privatise Public Sector Banks
-TheCitizen.in Banking needs reforms not privatisation NEW DELHI: The scale of the recent bank scams and the potential losses faced by banks holding non-performing Loans given to some large companies and individuals, has shocked all of us. However, we are concerned to note that this has become an excuse to demand the privatisation of publicly held banks. While it is true that the current scam involves Punjab National Bank, the second largest public sector...
More »The rising agrarian distress in India -Jayati Ghosh
-Livemint.com To stabilize crop prices and make them remunerative, the Swaminathan Commission proposed significant improvements in the implementation of MSPs Across the country, farmers are furious—and rightfully so. Four years ago, they helped bring the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to power, believing Narendra Modi’s claims that they would no longer suffer official neglect. But since then, conditions in agriculture have got worse. Earlier problems have worsened as farm incomes have been squeezed...
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