-The Hindu The government on Thursday said it proposed to restructure the Food Corporation of India that procured, stored and distributed foodgrain to identified beneficiaries under the Targeted Public Distribution System. Presenting his budget proposals for the food sector, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the government was committed to reducing transportation and distribution losses and enhance the efficacy of the Public Distribution System. Food Security Act Although Mr. Jaitley did not mention the...
Growth and reforms only way to reduce poverty -Mrityunjay Kumar
-Niti Central According to a report, the Rangarajan committee has retained consumption expenditure as the basis for determining poverty according to which the total number of poor in the country at 36.3 crore or 29.6 per cent of the population. After much public outcry over the UPA's poverty line, another expert panel headed by veteran economist C Rangarajan has come up with a report recommending that those who are spending more than...
More »Get over the growth fetish -Ashish Kothari
-The Hindu Business Line Perpetual growth is a piece of nonsense. The focus should be on protecting livelihoods through sustainable means Construct a building, demolish it, reconstruct, break it down again, and go on repeating this meaningless exercise. You will have economic growth, as currently measured. But no net gain in employment during the endless cycle of construction and demolition, no net increase in productive capacity, and no appreciable change in poverty...
More »Gap in school quality and quantity
-The Telegraph The increase in enrolment in primary education in South Asian countries between 2001 and 2010 has not been matched by an increase in learning outcome of children, threatening economic growth in the region, a World Bank report has said. The report titled Student Learning in South Asia has analysed several studies in areas of learning outcome and the link between poor quality primary education and its impact on economic growth. The...
More »Govt defends fare hike, says rail subsidy burden was too heavy -Mahendra Kumar Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Amid protests over a sharp hike in fares and criticism of political parties, the government on Saturday strongly defended the increase in passenger fares, including for short-distance travel, arguing the revision was long overdue as the last hike took place around 11 years ago and a heavy subsidy burden was "unsustainable" in the wake of soaring costs. While passengers travelling by sub-urban and short-haul trains account...
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