-The Hindu NBSA issues new guidelines after Delhi gang rape and murder case While news channels have been reminded to conceal the identity of victims of sexual assault, the industry regulator also advocated a “balance” between the survivor’s right to privacy and public interest in media coverage of such cases. A fresh set of “Guidelines on reportage of cases of sexual assault” was issued by the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) on Monday,...
Two sides of a coin -Sitaram Yechury
-The Hindustan Times Some weeks ago, much before the gruesome gang rape and murder in the capital ruptured the country's conscience and forced our people out of their stupor to rise in widespread angry protests, The Guardian had posed the following question: "Of all the G-20 nations, India has been labeled as the worst place to be a woman. But how is this possible in a country that prides itself as being...
More »'In Rape cases, in-camera is the norm'
-The Hindu Turmoil took over the pre-trial proceedings of the Delhi gang rape trial on Monday when some lawyers objected to a few advocates coming forward to defend the accused. The disruptions did not die down even after Metropolitan Magistrate Namrita Aggarwal entered the courtroom at 12.30 p.m., when the five accused were to be produced. Advocate Manohar Lal Sharma said the relatives of some of the accused had asked him...
More »Surrogacy as cover for trading in babies-Ujjwala Nayudu
-The Indian Express Ahmedabad: The uncovering of what appears to be baby trading has blurred the line between such rackets and surrogacy, amid signs that the woman not only sold off at least one child but has also struck a deal for one she is expecting. Manjula, or Mona Thakor, admits she was paid for a baby by a Ahmedabad gynaecologist who routed it to a couple. The crime branch has found...
More »Women’s groups want marital rape punished -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu The old Penal Code exempts it as an offence if a wife is not under 16 Opposing the death penalty for those guilty of rape, women’s groups have demanded that marital rape, stalking and stripping be regarded as serious offences. The old Penal Code and the proposed amendments exempt marital rape as an offence if a wife is not under 16 years of age. This exemption, totally and unreasonably, ignores the...
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