In a major pro-farmer step, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has decided to release water from the Narmada dam for a fortnight from June 1 to help farmers in the command areas in central and north Gujarat districts to undertake pre-sowing operations. Water Resources Minister Nitin Patel said on Saturday that the government would release 2,123 million cubic feet water from the Narmada dam and the benefit would accrue to thousands...
With the grain by Yoginder K Alagh
India has large wheat stocks already yet policy dictates they increase. In states like Punjab, Haryana, UP and Gujarat prices have fallen and are below the minimum support prices. This is a policy-induced outcome. A safe game in grains is fine, given the global politics of grain trade and the great ability of Indian politics to subsidise the wrong man in the vote bank — but how safe is safe? The...
More »Punjab, Star of India's Rise, Faces Steep Fall by Amol Sharma and Geeta Anand
TARN TARAN, India—India's northern state of Punjab was once a symbol of the nation's economic progress, its advances in agriculture lauded world-wide as a spectacular feat that made India self-sufficient in food production. But Punjab today faces a grave economic crisis, the result of years of shoddy governance that have stunted growth and created such a mound of public debt that the state is now seeking a multibillion dollar bailout from...
More »All you wanted to know about Endosulfan (…but were afraid to ask!)
Endosulfan, the pesticide which is widely believed to be responsible for thousands of deaths, diseases and devastation, was able to save its own life largely because of India’s questionable efforts at global forums. The controversial pesticide has been in news for a long time because of its harmful effects on humans, wild life and the environment. Obviously the $100 million industry is going out of the way to defend the...
More »Raj takes NREGA route to water conservation
The state government has switched to funding water conservation and harvesting projects through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employee Guarantee Act (MNREGA). In the fiscal 2010-11, water conservation projects guzzled maximum funds released under the MNREGA with the government deciding to channel more than 40 per cent of the total funds into water harvesting, restoration of traditional water baoris and de-silting of water bodies like ponds and lakes. Funds were channelled...
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