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Almost 30% of food industry unaware of safety standards: Ficci

India, food safety and standards are neglected topic despite being directly related to public health. According to a survey conducted by Ficci, almost 30% of the respondents, bulk of whom were from the food processing industry, were unaware that Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA) is mandatory to implement. The respondents were not even aware about the existence of such an Act. “This means that more capacity building and in-depth...

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Still no recognition of forest rights for tribals: activists by Amruta Byatnal

A resident of Yavatmal in Maharashtra is asked to give proof of birth for three generations in his family for him to get access to land under the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers Recognition of Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006. But for the people in these areas who cannot read or write, ‘proof' has little meaning. Such lacunae in the Act came up for discussion at a public...

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Punjab farmers demand special TRAIns from Bihar and UP to bring labourers for Paddy plantation by Gagandeep Ahuja

Facing an acute shortage of migrant labourers for paddy plantation, the peasants of Punjab Thursday demanded to run special rains from Bihar to enable labourers reach Punjab. The paddy season in Punjab has started today. However the paddy plantation is expected to be delayed due to shortage of farm hands. Thousands of labourers reach Punjab every year for paddy plantation to make fast buck. The decline in migrant labourers has been...

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People-friendly growth by BG Verghese

The Supreme Court on May 7 ruled that natural resources were national assets that belonged to the people and were ideally exploited by public sector undertakings. This obviously implies that local communities, including tribals, living on mineralised land, enjoy entitlements but not prescriptive ownership rights to such national assets. This is an important reiterative clarification defining mineral rights in Fifth Schedule areas that are currently in contention. Whether PSUs should...

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Not by price alone

The Centre's decision to raise the minimum support price (MSP) sharply for pulses, moderately for coarse cereals and oil seeds, and not at all for rice and cotton (the nominal hike for rice merely rolls in the bonus offered last year) is right, in the conventional sense. The signal against increasing acreage for rice this kharif is sound, given the huge stocks with the government. The signalling is right, too,...

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