Total Matching Records found : 4031

Staff of microfinance companies held on harassment charge

The Andhra Pradesh Police on Friday said it has arrested three people working with SKS Microfinance and Spandana on a complaint of harassment by a borrower, and might book the companies' respective promoters Vikram Akula and Padmaja Reddy under a new Ordinance to check coercive methods of loan recovery. The borrower, Ammulu, filed the complaint with the Yemmiganur police station in Kurnool district, about 270 km from Hyderabad, last night. A...

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Govt for cos acquiring land in Africa for pulses cultivation by Prabha Jagannathan

The government has assured full support to Indian companies exploring opportunities to acquire agricultural land in Africa for cultivation of pulses in order to deal with its domestic shortage. "We import pulses and we will be more supportive of more land being brought under cultivation and for value addition. India is the market and we have been investing in agriculture...," Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma had said. With the unabated...

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Why we need GM labelling?

Our right to know includes the right to know what we eat. We live in a transgenic age, one in which it is no longer sufficient for food labelling to stop with listing such things as nutritional values, chemical additives, and possible allergens. Although there is no evidence that approved genetically modified food is unsafe for human consumption, people have the right to choose not to eat it for ideological,...

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Malegam to head RBI panel on microfinance by Dinesh Unnikrishnan

Financial sector expert Y.H. Malegam will head a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) panel to look into the functioning of microfinance institutions or MFIs and their regulations. The MFIs are in the business of giving tiny loans. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Shashi Rajagopalan and U.R. Rao – all on the boards of the Indian central bank – and RBI deputy governor K.C. Chakrabarty are the members of the panel. The committee, which will...

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ArcelorMittal's Bellary steel project passes farmers' test by PP Thimmaya

Arcelormittal’s plans to set up a six million tonne per annum (mtpa) steel plant in Bellary district of Karnataka is on track, with farmers coming forward to accept the compensation package for land acquisition. The world’s largest steel producer had zeroed in on Kuditini in Bellary district to set up its plant and laid out a land requirement of around 4,000 acres. However, these plans were opposed by some farmer groups...

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