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A guarantee for learning -Rukmini Banerji

-The Indian Express We have achieved close to universal enrolment. Now the focus should turn to the quality of education. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 states that every child in India has a right to a full-time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school that satisfies certain essential norms and standards. Even a cursory reading of the law indicates that it...

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Anti-poverty schemes, a success story -Aditya Dasgupta

-The Hindu Business Line Welfare programmes do work these days. That's because their implementation determines poll outcomes In the last 15 years, India has seen the adoption of an "alphabet soup" of ambitious national anti-poverty programmes: a rural connectivity scheme (PMGSY), a universal primary schooling initiative (SSA), a rural health initiative (NRHM), a rural electrification scheme (RGGVY), a rural employment guarantee (NREGA), a food subsidy (Food Security Act), and a new digital...

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Ashish Bose: The man who coined BIMARU tried to make things simple-Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-The Business Standard Associates say Bose always tried to make complex things simple and understandable Finding out the essence is more Important than getting lost in statistical jugglery" is what Ashish Bose, the country's foremost demographer, who passed away on Monday, once told Amitabh Kundu, his friend and professor of economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Kundu's description perhaps summarises the personality of Bose, best known for coining the term BIMARU (in a paper...

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Transport troubles-Brijeshwar Singh

-The Business Standard   This report believes in demanding more, and cares little for inflation. It could have kept budgetary constraints in better focus and thrown more light on carbon-reducing innovations Fans of Rakesh Mohan reports will love this leviathan of a report. With 1,220 pages spread over three volumes, the report of the National Transport Policy Development Committee takes at least a week's effort to read. The analysis is in the second...

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Worshipping false gods in India-Harsh Mander

-Live Mint   In Gujarat public funds are committed to supporting private investment. This does not benefit the poor Amidst the clamour of India's colourful 2014 general election, a public debate of great Import for India's future is underway. Leading political candidates debate which development model is best suited for a country of vast economic potential and embedded historical impoverishment. Most opinion polls rate Narendra Modi as the front-runner in the 2014 general election....

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