India ranks 134th out of 182 countries, the same as in 2006, in the 2009 Human Development Report released on Monday. China registers the largest gain in rank, moving up seven places to finish at 92. The United States dropped one place to end at 13. The HDR ranks countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), measuring their progress on three key indicators — education, life expectancy and income measured by...
The vexed issue of land acquisition by Pranab Bardhan
The stalled Land Acquisition Bill should be completely overhauled. In both China and India the issue of land acquisition has become politically very sensitive. In China by official reports more than 66 million farmers have been dislocated in recent years for various commercial development projects. Local officials in cahoots with local business have been rather cavalier in this matter, and this has inflamed passions in the countryside. In India the...
More »Milk dairies oppose import of skimmed powder, butter oil by Manas Dasgupta
To help farmers reeling under drought conditions AHMEDABAD: Cooperative milk dairies in Gujarat have submitted a joint memorandum to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, requesting him to take immediate steps to discourage import of skimmed milk powder and butter oil and prevent export of ingredients used for manufacturing cattle feed. Among measures they have suggested to achieve the same, are restoration of customs duty on import of milk powder to the...
More »Shadow of Drought on Delayed Monsoon
A good reason why we must not rejoice the late resumption of monsoon rains is that much of the damage is already done and is irreparable. In over 60 percent of India’s agricultural belt, particularly in the North-Western parts, there will be no rabi harvest. Hence, late arrival of rains hardly mitigates the challenges of lower agricultural production, shrinking of rural purchasing power, high inflation of food prices and loss...
More »Number of deaths of children under five continues to drop, reports UNICEF
New York, Sep 10 2009 10:10AM: The number of children dying before their fifth birthday has decreased steadily over the past few years and fell to under 9 million in 2008, thanks in part to greater use of health interventions such as vaccinations and insecticide-treated bednets to prevent malaria, the United Nations Children’s Fund said today. Newly released data compiled by demographers and health experts from UNICEF, the World Health Organization,...
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