A lot has been said and written about the visit of Barack Obama, the President of USA to India. The corporate media was in the usual over-enthusiastic drive to bring to its readers and viewers all minute details about his visit from where he stayed and what he ate to how many warships, planes and cars accompanied him and how a whopping $200 million was spent per day for the...
Growing more crops with far fewer drops by Dominic Kailashnath Waughray
A fast growing economy is a thirsty economy and India is no exception—with the country’s water supply already under great strain, India must reassess its consumption to meet escalating demands for water to produce food and energy. Business-as-usual water practices cannot remain the same in India as the economy and its demand for freshwater grows over the coming decades. With an astounding 75% of freshwater already used for agriculture in India,...
More »Farmland outsourcing
A high-level working group of the Government of India has approved the idea of outbound foreign direct investment by Indians in the production of pulses and oilseeds aimed at meeting domestic demand. This is not a new idea. Since arable land in India is fast shrinking and efforts to lift the output of pulses and oilseeds, besides some other essential commodities, are not bearing fruit, investing in land elsewhere for...
More »ICMR panel to study effects of Endosulfan by J Balaji
Pesticide issue finds its echo in the Lok Sabha Even as the Endosulfan issue rocking Kerala found its echo in the Lok Sabha on Monday, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) constituted a committee to study the pesticide's effects in Kasaragod district. ICMR Director-General Vishwamohan Kattoch will head the 10-member committee. It will have various subject experts, including public health workers, as its members. The committee will visit Kerala within a...
More »What's in NREGA for the middle class? by Aruna Roy
Despite its seminal success in beginning a process of addressing issues of poverty, starvation and empowering the poor, the MGNREGA needed a general election to breathe life into it. However, the disproportionate influence of the middle class on social sector policy has led to the same set of pre-election prejudices resurfacing. "What use is the MGNREGA to the economy at large?" asks the businessman, one eye fixed apprehensively on the share...
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