-The Hindu Mahila Kisan Sansad BRIngs together participants from all walks of life. Among those who were members of the Mahila Kisan Sansad on Monday were an Assistant Professor from Punjab, wife of an Army officer and a homemaker who occasionally works towards women empowerment in her village in Haryana. Amandeep Kaur Sandhu (32), Assistant Professor at a college in village Baba Sang Dhesian, said back home, people used to believe that women...
Tribal affairs ministry in tie-up with NITI Aayog
-The New Indian Express As per TRIFED, 37,904 Van DhanVikasKendras, subsumed into 2275 Van DhanVikas Kendra Clusters of 300 forest dwellers each, have been sanctioned by TRIFED till date. NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has collaborated with NITI Aayog to implement the Van Dhan Yojana in districts identified as aspirational. As a follow-up of the implementation of the Yojana in the tribal aspirational districts, a TRIFED team BRIefed about the...
More »Pegasus scandal shows that intelligence gathering urgently needs parliamentary oversight in India -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in In a world of powerful spying tools, Indian democracy urgently needs checks on intelligence gathering. With allegations that opposition leaders, Union ministers, bureaucrats, an election commissioner and even a Supreme Court judge could have been spied on, the Pegasus spyware scandal points to one of the most egregious misuses of power in India’s history. The Israeli manufacturer of Pegasus insists that it only sells its weapons-grade spyware to governments, prompting allegations that...
More »As the pandemic makes digital teaching the norm, these initiatives are BRInging school to rural children -Mala Kumar
-The Hindu As children in rural India, with little access to gadgets and networks, are pushed into deeper marginalisation, a look at some initiatives that try to change this Eleven-year-old Chaithanya has not been to school in over a year. On a Sunday morning, she is glued to the television in her house in rural Ravugodlu, Karnataka, watching an English lesson. With schools closed, many children like Chaithanya are making use of...
More »Will the new e-commerce rules really favour consumers? -Prashanth Perumal
-The Hindu The intent of the rules is unclear and there are several consumer protection rules already in place In June, the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution came out with a list of proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection Act of 2019. These include appointment of a Chief Compliance Officer and a Resident Grievance Officer, provisions of fallback liability, registration of e-commerce entities and a ban on flash...
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