On a visit to West Bengal to assess law and order in the State, where the Assembly polls are drawing near, a three-member Election Commission on Wednesday went to Netai village near Lalgarh, where nine persons were killed in the January 7 firing incident. Two other teams separately visited Tarakeswar, Goghat and Pursura in Hooghly and Basanti and Netra in South 24 Parganas district, where political clashes and violence have been...
Fear of Freedom by Ruchi Gupta
So why is the UPA hell-bent on killing its unique success story: the NREGA? Here's the inside narrative of the conspiracy. It took 47 days of a protest sit-in at Jaipur to make the state budge(1). It's notable that the objective of this protracted protest was not to coerce the Rajasthan government for an extra share of the state's resources, but to hold the government accountable to the Constitution and its...
More »Rural job scheme minimum wage revised, risking inflation spiral by Ruhi Tewari & Asit Ranjan Mishra
In a move that brings relief to the rural workforce, but risks creating an inflation spiral, the government on Thursday revised the minimum wages paid for its flagship job guarantee scheme by linking them to the Consumer Price Index for agricultural labour (CPI-AL) for each individual state. Such a price spiral, in case it actually emerges, could roil the electoral prospects of the Congress in the key contests to the state...
More »BJP, Cong spar over Assam migrant issue
With the Assam elections approaching, Congress and BJP have begun sparring over the issue of illegal migration from across the Bangladesh border into the state and made it clear that the issue will snowball into a major issue. As the BJP petitioned the Election Commission on Monday seeking deletion of names of the Bangladeshi infiltrators, Congress accused its rival of 'communalizing' the issue of migration. A BJP delegation submitted a memorandum to...
More »Are we moving from merely being subjects to absolute citizens? by M Rajshekhar
Mai-baap. That is how poor Indians referred to the state ever since independence. The benign provider looking after its subjects like the rajas of yore. But, today, the people have started demanding accountability from the mai-baap. Why? Because a clutch of new laws, like the Right To Information Act (RTI) and the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), are moving the government's developmental promises beyond "the realm of a privilege that...
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