-PTI Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit Wednesday said it was not fair to expect schools to take in children from Economically weaker sections (EWS) when a cap on their fees and charges had also been imposed. “One unfortunate things is to put a cap on their (private schools) charges. Now, that is also not fair, because remember that primary schools have to meet their expenditures,” Dikshit said. She said while government could meet...
Mamata wants Delhi to bear anti-Maoist cost-JP Yadav
Mamata Banerjee skipped today’s meeting on internal security but sought to extract her pound even in absentia. The Bengal chief minister asked the UPA government to bear the entire cost of deploying central forces for anti-Maoist operations in the states, arguing that Left-wing extremism (LWE) had “implications” for national security. “The LWE problem is not an ordinary law-and-order problem affecting a particular state. It has serious implications on national security. It would,...
More »The road to universal health care-K Srinath Reddy and AK Shiva Kumar
Progressive strengthening of public facilities is the only way to reach medical services to the population as a whole. “The best form of providing health protection would be to change the economic system which produces ill health, and to liquidate ignorance, poverty and unemployment. The practice of each individual purchasing his own medical care does not work. It is unjust, inefficient, wasteful and completely outmoded ... In our highly geared, modern...
More »SC upholds Right to Education Act, paves way for revolution in schooling-Dhananjay Mahapatra & Himanshi Dhawan
With the Supreme Court throwing its full weight behind the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, (better known as the Right to Education Act or RTE Act) on Thursday, the composition of students in schools as well as the economics of running schools will undergo dramatic changes. The apex court upheld the constitutional validity of the Act and directed all schools, including privately-run schools, irrespective of the...
More »Matching a measure to its meaning by Ashima Goyal
Statistics can abet illusions, unless properly understood and used. The debates on poverty line and budget deficits reflect a lack of understanding of the meaning and purpose of these measures. India has been recently witness to furious debates on measures of poverty and budget deficits. Any measure can be used only for the purpose it is designed for. The debates in the present cases were furious, because preconceptions and emotions were...
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