Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that the government plans to strengthen anti-graft laws in India by making bribery in the private sector a criminal offence. “We are considering changes in our laws to criminalize private sector bribery,” Singh said, while speaking at the Biennial Conference of CBI and state anti-corruption bureaux on Friday. Singh also indicated that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will continue as the premier investigative agency even after...
Kiran Lokpal Bedi buys discount air tickets, gets hosts to pay full fare by Ajmer Singh
Kiran Bedi, one of the most vocal members of Team Anna, who riled Members of Parliament with her Ramlila ghoonghat act, may herself have some explaining to do. The issue: the inflated travel expenses she has been charging NGOs and institutions which invite her for seminars or meetings. Records of bills, invoices and copies of cheques with The Indian Express show that Bedi, who is entitled to a rebate on Air...
More »'Anna, Kejriwal autocratic, are politicising campaign' by Urvashi Dev Rawal
-The Hindustan Times A day after he quit Team Anna, activist Rajendra Singh accused Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal of autocratic behaviour and expressed unhappiness over politicisation of the India Against Corruption campaign. In an exclusive interview to HT, Singh said, "I have left the core team. But I will continue to campaign against corruption in various spheres of life." Singh, a Magsaysay award winner for his work on water conservation in Rajasthan,...
More »Singh swims with civil society tide by Manini Chatterjee
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today reached out to India’s civil society and sought to be in sync with the restive public mood worldwide. Singh warmly appreciated “Anna Hazareji’s movement”, condemning the physical attacks on Team Anna members in recent days, sympathised with the sentiments of the Occupy Wall Street protests and praised the role of the judiciary as central to India’s democracy. In a wide-ranging interaction with journalists on his flight home...
More »Only Sonia Gandhi can bring strong Lokpal: Arvind Kejriwal
-The Times of India Team Anna on Tuesday attacked political parties on the issue of corruption. It said that it is campaigning against Congress because it is in power and in a position to bring a strong Jan Lokpal, which will curb corruption across the country. Addressing a public meeting, team Anna members Arvind Kejriwal, said, "Uttar Pradesh has been facing the brunt of corruption for last several decades. The face of...
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