-The Hindu With an eye on the upcoming elections in different States, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has declared that he is presenting a Budget that provides “additional resources for vulnerable sections, rural areas and social and physical infrastructure”. But since aggregate expenditure in nominal terms is slated to rise by just 10.8 per cent between this financial year and the next, that seems difficult to believe. Consider, for example, the...
Government tries to harvest success with farmer-friendly Budget -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth The 2016 Budget has the right intent for the rural sector, but lacks clarity Union finance minister Arun Jaitley devoted a major part of his third budget speech to “transform India” and of the nine pillars to achieve the goal, three were on strengthening the rural sector. Altogether, the rural sector (including irrigation and agriculture) received close to Rs 200,000 crore this Budget, which makes one point clear:...
More »Is there room in the budget for a big rural stimulus? -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com Three questions can help understand whether the budget has enough wherewithal to provide a big rural stimulus New Delhi: The government has given enough signals that the distress-ridden rural sector would receive special focus in the forthcoming Budget. On Monday, a Mint report quoted senior officials in the agriculture ministry saying that there could be a significant increase in budgetary allocations for crop insurance and irrigation. But in the backdrop...
More »Budget expectations for rural sector
Amidst uncertainty over India's performance in terms of agricultural production and livelihood security of rural population, the Union Budget of 2016-17 will be presented by Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley on 29 February. Given the extent of drought in more than 10 states of India during 2015-16, it is expected that the NDA Government will allocate more resources for rejuvenating the rural sector. Since the country has seen two years of...
More »Govt bullish on MGNREGS, but bearish on funds -Nitin Sethi
-Business Standard Centre owes states Rs 5,595 crore for work already completed A day after the government claimed success in Parliament over implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), government data reveal the Centre owes states Rs 5,595 crore dues for work already completed — 16 per cent of the budgeted funds for the scheme — causing stress to people, particularly in drought-hit states. After two quarters of revival in...
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