-The Times of India The Madras high court has directed the Tamil Nadu school education department to finalise and publish the rules for the Right to Education Act within six weeks. The first bench comprising Chief Justice M Y Eqbal and Justice T S Sivagnanam delivering its order on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by advocate S Sathia Chandran, who said that though the act has laudable provisions, it could...
Singur imbroglio by Suhrid Sankar Chattopadhyay
West Bengal: Mamata Banerjee moves closer to keeping her promise to return to ‘unwilling' farmers the land given to Tata Motors. WITH the passage of the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee got one step closer to keeping the promise made to the people of Singur that she would reclaim the land allocated to Tata Motors and return it to “unwilling” farmers (that...
More »Land allotment to Mundra SEZ fine: court by Manas Dasgupta
In a major relief to the Ahmedabad-based Adani Group, the Gujarat High Court has disposed of a bunch of Public Interest Litigation petitions challenging the State government's allotment of about 1,000 acres of land to the Adanis for setting up the Mundra Special Economic Zone in Kutch district. ‘No merit' A Division Bench, comprised by Chief Justice S.J. Mukhopadhyaya and Justice Akil Kureshi, did not find any merit in the PILs which...
More »A very special case by Partha Chatterjee
I must begin with two disclaimers. The Singur land development and rehabilitation bill, 2011 was moved in the West Bengal legislative assembly last Tuesday by the industries minister with whom I happen to share a name. However, I believe he does not share any of the opinions or sentiments expressed below. Second, I was a persistent critic of the Left Front government when it was in power and what I...
More »Correction course in MP stirs debate by Maitreyee Handique
Madhya Pradesh is betting cash incentives will curb population growth and improve the ‘life cycle’ of the girl child, but experts question the efficacy of such policies in addressing deep-rooted social prejudices Visitors trudging down the dusty village road are greeted by a giant billboard featuring a smiling Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, hugging two young girls. The tagline in Hindi reads: Gaon ki beti, kisse chhoti...
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