-The Hindu Ranchi: Late Tuesday morning, Malo Devi, a farmer at Manatu, 20 km from Ranchi, carried her infant grandson Gautam Mahto in her arms across the fields behind her house and had just set him down on a flat rock under a tree, before she started gathering dry leaves for fuel, when she heard a whizzing sound. Three-year-old Gautam lay bleeding, hit in the left leg by a stray bullet...
The question of casteism still remains-K Satyanarayana
-The Hindu Contrary to what Nandy’s defenders would have us believe, his corruption remark reinforces negative stereotypes about Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes The controversy around Ashis Nandy’s casual remarks at the Jaipur Literature Festival did not address a number of important questions of public concern. The frenzied ‘Save Nandy’ campaign that followed has actually foreclosed any productive discussion. His supporters have been trying to explain and contextualise Professor Nandy’s flippant remarks...
More »People, The Real Estate-Pragya Singh
-Outlook A new land acquisition bill readies for budget session. How will it fare? Bill Of Blights Defines “public purpose” too broadly, allows govt to acquire land for PPPs Less landowner consent required for PPPs than private-only projects The bill’s compensation norms likely to face strict challenges in the courts States have been given R&R powers but could lead to arbitrary outcomes Doesn’t consider govt projects where compensation, R&R are neglected *** The...
More »Shell India accused of tax evasion-Utpal Bhaskar, Remya Nair and Amrit Raj
-Live Mint Income-tax department says firm had underpriced intragroup share transfer by Rs 15,000 cr and evaded taxes consequently The Indian arm of Royal Dutch Shell Plc , Shell India Pvt. Ltd, has been accused by the income-tax (I-T) authorities of underpricing an intragroup share transfer by ` 15,000 crore and consequently evading taxes, said a person familiar with the development. Following the notice, which is one of the biggest transfer pricing orders...
More »Mumbai monolith epitomises need for post-2015 agenda to tackle inequality-Kevin Watkins
-The Guardian Inequity such as that symbolised by Antilla, the world's richest home, thwarts poverty reduction – and policymakers must act If you want a glimpse across the yawning chasm that separates the world's super rich from the ultra poor, there's no better place than Mumbai's Altamount Road. Look up and you'll see Antilla, the world's most expensive home. With spectacular ocean views, swimming and gym facilities, and no fewer than three helipads,...
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