-The Indian Express The court added that meanwhile Kappan is at liberty to approach "the concerned courts for the grant of bail or to challenge the proceedings or for quashing the chargesheet”. Saying that the “most precious fundamental right to life unconditionally embraces even an undertrial”, the Supreme Court on Wednesday directed that journalist Sidhique Kappan, arrested by the Uttar Pradesh Police and charged under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), be...
Narendra Modi, Amit Shah directly involved in augmenting oxygen supply, Centre tells Supreme Court
-The Hindu An affidavit spanning over 200 pages said the Centre “is augmenting the oxygen supply on a war-footing, evolving and implementing innovative measures”. The government has informed the Supreme Court that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah are “directly involved” in augmenting the oxygen supply on a “war-footing”. An affidavit spanning over 200 pages said the Centre, with “the active and constant supervision and direct involvement of...
More »The Rule of Law is indeed backsliding in India, says Justice Madan B Lokur
-Press release by Common Cause dated 19th April, 2021 New Delhi: There are silences and gaps in the law that the questionable elements in the police take advantage of and undermine the rule of law, said Justice Madan B Lokur, former Justice of the Supreme Court of India. Delivering the Keynote Address on ‘Is the Rule of Law Backsliding in India?’ at the launch of the Status of Policing in India Report...
More »Future of migrant kids uncertain amid spike -Manoj Sharma
-Hindustan Times There has been limited assessment of the pandemic’s wider effects on the children of migrants. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court, in response to a petition filed by NGO Child Rights Trust, asked for data from all states and Union Territories on children of migrant workers. Nitin Kumar’s eyes were full of despair as he waited along with his parents for a bus to Hardoi at Anand Vihar bus station on...
More »Maternity entitlements are neglected in states like Jharkhand, M.P. and U.P., reveals JABS survey (2019)
The National Food Security Act 2013 guarantees maternity benefit to the tune of Rs. 6,000/- per child by the Central Government for pregnant women and lactating mothers, barring those who are already availing such benefits while being in regular employment with the Central Government or State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings or under other laws. The NFSA 2013 also legally guarantees free meals for every pregnant woman and lactating mother...
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