-The Indian Express A year ago, in Delhi's dark December of 2012, 24-year-old Natasha Raghuvanshi was on Rajpath, occupying the streets with thousands of other angry young people, carrying with her the memory of being stalked, flashed at, and groped while returning home from college. Aswathy Senan, a 27-year-old Delhi University student, was there because it seemed to be "the last straw" - "the accumulated anger and helplessness" of many Indian...
Serving the justice needs of the poor-NR Madhava Menon
-The Hindu To be able to deliver appropriate legal services to the rural and tribal communities, we need an alternative delivery system with a different model of legal service providers Delivery of legal services to the rich and the corporate class is organised not through individual lawyers but through a series of networked law firms. These firms employ hundreds of lawyers and domain experts all over the country to provide highly specialised...
More »To be part of Moradabad, clerics in Uttar Pradesh boycott polio drive and schools -Faisal Fareed
-The Indian Express Lucknow: Local clerics in nearly 30 Muslim dominated villages in Sambhal district have given a call from mosques to boycott the polio immunisation drive to pressure the government into making their villages part of Moradabad district. The clerics have also told villagers to stop sending their children to school, forbidden them from attending political rallies, and banned the entry of politicians into the villages. Any family that disobeys will be...
More »Issues of sexual assault: the Tehelka case-Brinda Karat
-The Hindu "Tehelka" tried to conceal the gravity of its Editor-in-Chief's alleged sexual assault, which is rape under the amended IPC. It tried to divert attention to an inquiry by an in-house committee mandated by a 2013 law meant to protect women in workplaces. This Act deals with sexual harassment of a lesser degree, the offences under it are non-cognisable, and it is in limbo since the government has failed to...
More »Get all dropouts back on rolls, DoE tells schools -Shikha Sharma
-The Indian Express New Delhi: Stating that denying out-of-school children admission constitutes a "clear cut deprivation of their right to education", Directorate of Education has ordered schools to enrol all such children. A fact sheet released by the Delhi Right to Education Forum has revealed that only 70 per cent of Delhi's children go to school, against the national figure of 94.5 per cent and 100 per cent for states such as...
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