-The Hindu Tamil Nadu Food Minister R. Kamaraj has reiterated the stand of the State that it should be exempted from the Food Security Bill piloted by the Central Government. Speaking at a conference of the Food Ministers in New Delhi on Wednesday, Mr.Kamaraj pointed out that the Universal Public Distribution System (UPDS), being implemented in Tamil Nadu for several decades, covered the “entire population” of the State and “there is no...
PDS overhaul must for Food Security Act’s success: Pawar
-The Deccan Herald Agri Minister doubts existing mechanism enough for roll out Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar on Wednesday reiterated that augmenting grain production and overhaul of the Public Distribution System were critical to implementation of the Congress-led UPA Government’s ambitious National Food Security Bill. “I will be failing in my duty if I do not emphasise the fact that the Food Security Act will never succeed in achieving its goal in letter and...
More »Korku, Gond tribals eat protein deficient diet
-The Times of India According to the study conducted by a botany student for her PhD thesis, highly protein deficient diet of Korku and Gond tribes in Central India is one of the reasons of malnutrition in them. Mostly these tribal people eat only locally available plant-based diets which are rich sources of carbohydrates, some minerals and vitamins but no proteins. Study suggests identification and consumption of locally available beans, mushrooms and...
More »Food authority backtracks by Savvy Soumya Misra
Says milk adulterated but not unsafe for consumption Six states and a union territory feed their people milk that does not meet the standards set by India’s food regulatory body at all. Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram and Daman & Diu are the “100 per cent non-conforming” states. In Delhi, 70 per cent of the samples failed the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) test. Yet, the...
More »Rethink on Jarawa isolation by Basant Kumar Mohanty
A government panel has suggested the Centre revise its “no intervention” policy on the Jarawas of the Andamans and try to “empower” them rather than let them continue to be what an academic has described as “showpiece hunter-gatherers”. The panel wants the government to see if it can provide food and medical help —and possibly some education and housing — to these tribals inside the Jarawa Reserve without disrupting their lifestyle. It...
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