-The Indian Express On Tuesday, the 49-year-old labourer from odisha's Sundergarh district fled from a brick-making unit in Vishakapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, after his employer allegedly threw acid on his face and neck during an altercation over wages. Bhubaneswar: In broken sentences and a feeble voice, Jaydev Chandnia says over the phone that he is shivering while still feeling that his body is on fire. On Tuesday, the 49-year-old labourer from...
Now, odisha and Jharkhand governments announce sops for farmers
-PTI NEW DELHI: The odisha and the Jharkhand governments on Friday joined the list of states doling out sops for farmers after the Congress scripted wins in three states riding on the promise of farm loan waiver. While odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik announced the Rs 10,000-crore scheme for the overall development of farmers in the state, Jharkhand chief minister Raghubar Das declared the Rs 2,250-crore scheme to help 22.76 lakh medium...
More »Open season for farm loan waivers
-The Telegraph In the long term, the only real solution to rural distress is to shift labour to more productive segments of the economy It has turned into an open season for farm loan waivers. Less than a week after assuming office, Congress governments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have announced the waiver of crop loans up to two lakh rupees per farmer. The Congress president, Rahul Gandhi, has thrown down...
More »Karnataka, Maharashtra among six States reeling under drought -Radheshyam Jadhav
-The Hindu Business Line Two crore hectares of land affected in these States, says Agriculture Ministry Pune: Maharashtra and Karnataka are facing a severe drought this year, according to data from the Union Ministry of Agriculture. Twenty-four out of 30 districts (80 per cent) in Karnataka and 26 out of 36 districts (72 per cent) in Maharashtra are reeling under water scarcity and crop failure. Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Gujarat and Rajasthan have also...
More »Gujarat declares drought after months of delay -Jitendra
-Down to Earth While other states had declared drought months ago, Gujarat govt kept calling it a “scarcity of water” While other states like Karnataka, Maharshtra, odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh had declared drought at the very offset of the southwest monsoon, and began work on mitigation measures, the Gujarat government remained silent despite receiving deficit rainfall in most of the districts. Until yesterday, the Gujarat government had been terming the situation...
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