Total Matching Records found : 6912

The story of filing online RTI is only getting happier-Vinita Deshmukh After several weeks of disgust over political parties trying to slip out of the RTI Act, good news beckons for citizens in India and abroad who want to file RTI online Do you want to seek information under Right to Information (RTI) about public distribution of grains or demand a copy of your answer sheet in your Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination or seek details about a Water conservation project...

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Changing demography: Is India's baby boom going bust? -Ravish Tiwari & Ruhi Tewari

-The Indian Express The country's demography is witnessing some new trends. While the working age group (15-64 years) has predictably seen an increase in the number of youths, the curtains may have begun falling over the baby boom years that fuelled this bulge in the first place. These have been indicated by the latest 'Single Year Age Data' released by the Census of India from its 2011 census numbers. While the increase...

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Huge tobacco use in India seen killing 1.5 million a year

-Reuters Tobacco inflicts huge damage on the health of India's people and could be clocking up a death toll of 1.5 million a year by 2020 if more users are not persuaded to kick the habit, an international report said on Thursday. Despite having signed up to a global treaty on tobacco control and having numerous anti-tobacco and smoke-free laws, India is failing to implement them effectively, leaving its people vulnerable to...

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Food waste harms climate, Water, land and biodiversity–new FAO report

-FAO Direct economic costs of $750 billion annually - Better policies required, and "success stories" need to be scaled up and replicated Rome: The waste of a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year is not only causing major economic losses but also wreaking significant harm on the natural resources that humanity relies upon to feed itself, says a new FAO report. Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources is the first...

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India ahead of China in wasting food -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times When it comes to wasting food items, India is ahead of China, says a UN report on food waste and its impact on natural resources. The grim news comes at a time when prices of most vegetables and fruits are high. The waste also takes a high toll on the country's natural resources because many of these items, rice for example, consume large quantities of Water. It is estimated more...

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