A report of the National People's Tribunal on the 2008 riots in Kandhamal, Orissa, is out. The report that runs into 197 pages points out that the brutality of the violence falls within the definition of 'torture' under international law, particularly the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. According to the tribunal, headed by Justice A P Shah, communal forces used religious conversions as an issue for political mobilisation...
Lokpal search committee must have SC/STs, minorities: House panel
-Express News Service The parliamentary panel studying the Lokpal bill has recommended “appropriate representation” for the weaker sections in the search committee. The standing committee on law and justice has, however, maintained that the choice of the ombudsman “has to achieve the selection of the best and the brightest at the entry point”. The committee, which adopted its final report this evening, has suggested that the search panel must include “certain sections of...
More »RTE breach: Students highlight woes, seek judicial help
-The Times of India In less than a fortnight since the government notified rules under Right To Education (RTE) Act 2009, hundreds of students started a postcard campaign on Tuesday highlighting various ways in which schools are flouting the norms. Addressed to the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, the postcards brought to light the unfavourable conditions prevalent in government and MCD run schools. The first day of the campaign was conducted...
More »Let a Thousand Ramayanas Bloom by Bharati Jaganathan
The arbitrary deletion of A.K. Ramanujan’s ‘Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples and Three Thoughts on Translation’ from the syllabus of a concurrent course taught by the History Department by the Academic Council of the University of Delhi has understandably sparked off a major debate. The prehistory of this step is to be traced to early 2008 when ABVP activists attacked and vandalised the office of the History Department in the...
More »Dam row: Kerala advocate general to brief state cabinet
-PTI With the Mullaperiyar dam issue continuing to dominate Kerala's agenda, state Advocate General K P Dhandpani is today expected to explain to the cabinet his position on the controversy generated by some submissions made by him in the High Court on the matter. As campaigns are on in full swing in Idukki district where the dam is located, CPI(M) veteran V S Achuthanandan is holding a one-day fast at Vandiperiyar, pledging...
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