-National Herald According to the RBI, gross non-performing assets of MSMEs increased by Rs. 20,000 crores from September 2020 (when it was Rs. 1,45,673) to September 2021 (when it became Rs. 1,65,732 crore) Micro, small and medium enterprises (or MSMEs) seem to be the sector most hit by the pandemic since 2020. According to the Reserve Bank of India, gross non-performing assets of MSMEs increased by Rs. 20,000 crores from September 2020...
Census rules amended to allow self-enumeration, digital data collection
-The Hindu The decennial Census exercise, which was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held for the first time both in the digital mode and through paper schedules The Union government has amended the Census Rules framed in 1990 to allow the details to be captured and stored in an electronic format and also to enable self-enumeration by respondents. The decennial Census exercise, which was indefinitely postponed due to the...
More »Real wage rates of the rural workers hardly increased during the last 6 years
In the absence of income or expenditure-based headcount ratio, the growth in the real wages (i.e., nominal wages adjusted against retail inflation) of the manual workers is considered to be a good proxy to assess the trends in poverty. This is because the manual, unskilled/ semi-skilled labourers exist at the bottom of the pyramid or economic hierarchy, and most of them belong to the social categories Scheduled Castes (SCs) and...
More »India used more coal power in 2021 than 2020, which could delay its climate goals: IEA -Rohini Krishnamurthy
-Down to Earth China and India might be some of the countries where the green transition may also be slowed down because Russia would shift their energy exports to them, experts say India used 13 per cent more coal to generate electricity in 2021 than the previous year, given the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This figure is going to increase in the future,...
More »MGNREGA: Wake-up call -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline.in A Parliamentary Standing Committee pulls up the Rural Development Ministry in its report on a “critical evaluation” of the MGNREGA and calls for more investment in the scheme. A Parliamentary Standing Committee report of the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, tabled in February, strongly recommends enhancing the budget for implementation of work under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005, higher wage rates, and increasing the number...
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