-PTI The Bombay High Court on Tuesday granted Bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, who is facing a sedition case, saying if drawing cartoons was the only allegation against him, then his custody was not required. A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Nitin Jamdar directed Mr. Trivedi to be released on execution of a personal Bail-bond of Rs. 5,000. The Bail order was passed by the bench on a public...
Bombay HC grants Bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi
-PTI The Bombay high court on Tuesday granted Bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, who is facing a sedition case, saying if drawing cartoons was the only allegation against him, then his custody was not required. A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Nitin Jamdar directed Trivedi to be released on execution of a personal Bail-bond of Rs. 5,000. The Bail order was passed by the bench on a public...
More »Aseem Trivedi's arrest shows how colonial-era sedition laws lend themselves to abuse
-The Times of India Normally, a cartoon makes us smile. But that's changing now, as the arrest of cartoonist Aseem Trivedi on charges of sedition has provoked angry criticism across society. The arrest contravenes the Indian citizen's right to freedom of speech and expression. Importantly, this is a right the Constitution, constructed by the founders of an independent Indian republic, guarantees. Sedition, on the other hand, is a repressive colonial law,...
More »Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi's arrest sparks outrage, Justice Markandey Katju protests
-CNN-IBN The arrest of cartoonist and India Against Corruption activist Aseem Trivedi on charges of sedition has sparked outrage. Aseem has been sent to police custody for a week for allegedly posting 'ugly and obscene' content on his web portal. Aseem's family and other anti-corruption activists are standing by him claiming there was nothing unpatriotic about his cartoons."Why should the government arrest our son, a cartoonist when there are so many corrupt...
More »Sedition charge on cartoonist
-The Telegraph Mumbai, Sept. 9: Kanpur-based cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, arrested for posting purported seditious content on his website, was today remanded in police custody till September 16 by a local court. Trivedi was arrested last evening after he surrendered before the Bandra-Kurla Complex police. Police had sought his custody to question him on the contents on his website, www.cartoonsagainstcorruption. The court had issued a non-Bailable warrant against him last month. A member of the...
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