-The Hindu Shaktikanta Das says Rs. 12.44 lakh crore in invalid notes may not have come back to banks The Finance Ministry on Thursday said the Rs. 12.44 lakh crore figure reported by the Reserve Bank of India as the amount having been deposited in banks since the November 8 demonetisation announcement could be inflated due to double-counting. Department of Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said the RBI had infused three times the...
Supreme Court asks for constituting State Food Commission to implement NFSA
As per the Section 16 of National Food Security Act (NFSA), for the purpose of monitoring and review of implementation of the Act, every state shall, by notification, constitute a State Food Commission (SFC). However, based on the minutes of a meeting that was held by the Secretary in the Ministry of Food and Public Distribution on 9th November, 2016, the Attorney General of India has informed a two-judge Supreme Court...
More »Your neighbourhood ATM may turn into a hacker's paradise -Shelley Singh
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The next time you queue up at the ATM for cash—an experience that has become increasingly onerous since demonetisation— it’s not just the long wait that should worry you. There’s a high probability the cash dispenser runs on software Microsoft stopped supporting more than two years back, thus making it vulnerable to hackers. Card details could be stolen—as they indeed were earlier this year--even as you...
More »Why We Need to Open 'Amma Canteens' All Over India -Reetika Khera
-TheWire.in Jayalalithaa’s schemes – such as her canteens and baby care kits – may appear to be populist at first glance, but are actually quite entrenched in a welfare tradition. For development economists, Tamil Nadu offers many lessons in social democracy. The state has distinguished itself with visionary schemes – such as noon meals (known as the mid-day meal scheme nationally) and the Dr Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefits Scheme, which provides Rs...
More »Accounting for natural capital -Prakash Nelliyat
-The Hindu Biodiversity integration into developmental plans is crucial for sustainable development In a ‘Mann Ki Baat’ broadcast recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his environmental concerns clear when he asked people to use Ganesha and Durga idols made of clay instead of plaster of Paris. His appeal is bound to stimulate our environmental consciousness and encourage the preservation of precious natural resources. We need to build on this appeal and follow...
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