-The Hindu Several workers returning to Gurugram and Delhi from their home towns after the lockdown discover their employers have already filled their positions Vijay Mishra, a chhole-poori vendor on Jharsa Road in Gurugram, is the odd man out among a row of fruit sellers. The 38-year-old makes ₹200-₹300 daily, not even half of what he used to earn at his job in Maruti Suzuki India Limited before the lockdown. Like thousands of...
Ensuring occupational health and safety of mine workers
Nearly 24 fatal accidents and 47 serious accidents have happened in various coal mines of the country during this year till 31st August. Likewise, 18 fatal accidents and 13 serious accidents have taken place in non-coal mines during the same time period. The accident figures are low this year in comparison to the previous ones thanks to a lower demand for output from these mines against the backdrop of COVID-19...
More »What economists like Ashok Gulati still don’t understand about agriculture in India -Yogendra Yadav
-ThePrint.in Indian farmers have read the writing on the wall. India’s economists have not. Do Indian farmers understand the agrarian economy better than Ashok Gulati? Ridiculous as it might sound, the answer could well be: yes. Professor Ashok Gulati is the leading agricultural economist in India, and among the scholars I read, consult and respect. He combines solid scholarship with genuine concern for the farmers. He has the spine to stand against governments...
More »India’s new labour codes fail migrant workers whose vulnerability was highlighted by lockdown crisis -Divya Varma, Kavya Bharadkar & Raghav Mehrotra
-Scroll.in The systemic, structural reasons that precipitated their distress have been completely ignored. The images of devastation faced by migrant workers in the aftermath of the Covid-19 lockdown imposed in March shook the conscience of the nation: the scale of the problem and the severity of the distress pushed this hitherto invisible population into the spotlight of public and policy attention. More than 75 days into the lockdown, after the crisis had almost...
More »Aadhaar card, ration card linking deadline is September 30. Here is how to do it online -Sangeeta Ojha
-Livemint.com * Aadhaar card, ration card can be linked online as well as offline * The government had extended the deadline of seeding Aadhaar card with ration card till the end of this September If your ration card is not yet linked to Aadhaar card you can continue to get your quota of food grains, but only till September-end. So in order to keep getting food grains you are eligible for under the...
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