-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Friday sought response from the Centre, Rajasthan and Haryana governments on allegations that large scale illegal mining and depletion of forest cover was taking place in the two states. A Bench of Justices K S Radhakrishnan and J S Khehar issued notice on an application moved by NGO, Society for Awareness and Development, which alleged that the states were wilfully violating the apex court's earlier...
Illegal mining: SC issues notice to Rajasthan
-IANS The Supreme Court on Friday issued notice to the Rajasthan government on a petition alleging that despite a ban, illegal mining was continuing in the state's Alwar district. An apex court vacation bench of Justice S Radhakrishnan and Justice J S Khehar issued notice on the petition of NGO Society for Awareness and Development, which said that despite the 2005 and 2010 bans, illegal mining was going on unabated in 11...
More »India’s low-carbon growth strategy-Nicholas Stern & Kirit Parikh
-The Indian Express Rich countries must stop lecturing developing countries and accelerate their own efforts to cut emissions There is no shortage of people telling India what to do on low-carbon growth, but there is a shortage of understanding of what India is doing. Even the UNDP in its recent Asia Pacific Human Development Report urges emerging economies like India to do more for climate change. If one appreciates what India’s emissions are...
More »Earth headed for catastrophic collapse: Study
-PTI Rising populations are driving the Earth towards a catastrophic breakdown where species we depend on would die out, an international team of scientists has claimed, blaming the crisis on over use of water, forests and land for agriculutre. Writing in the journal Nature, the team warned that the world is headed toward a tipping point marked by extinctions and unpredictable changes on a scale not seen since the glaciers retreated 12,000...
More »Give the Saranda Development Plan a chance-Jairam Ramesh
I read Aman Sethi's piece on the Saranda Development Plan (“Nine months on, police camps sole development in Saranda plan”, June 4) with great interest but with greater anguish. Before I deal with his main charge — that private mining interests are behind the SDP — I want to lay out what the SDP is all about. It is the first systematic experiment in combining a security-oriented and development-focussed approach...
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