-The Times of India Taking a cue from the RBI governor D Subbarao, market leader Indian Oil Corporation indulged in grand standing on Tuesday by saying state-run retailers would raise petrol price by almost Rs 10 per litre, if the government did not reduce excise duty or did not compensate their Rs 49-crore daily loss on the fuel. "We have been very patient, not raising prices since December despite our cost of...
RBI urges govt to hike diesel, kerosene, LPG prices
-PTI While petrol prices are market-linked, govt fixes LPG, kerosene and diesel rates, which results in huge expenditure on subsidies Making a case for raising prices of diesel, kerosene and LPG, the Reserve Bank today said hike in rates of petroleum products is necessary to arrest fiscal slippages. "Overall from the perspective of vulnerabilities emerging from the fiscal and current account deficits, it is imperative for macroeconomic stability that administered prices of petroleum...
More »A bullet still unbitten
-The Business Standard Petrol decontrol has become a farce It will soon be two years since petrol was decontrolled, but few will happily celebrate this second birthday. The government-controlled oil companies that dominate the fuel market continue to sell petrol way below the market-determined price, exactly as was the case in the pre-decontrol era. The promise made then to decontrol diesel prices and allow periodic adjustment in prices of kerosene and liquefied...
More »Petrol, diesel, LPG likely to be costlier by May-Anupama Airy
An across-the-board increase in petrol, diesel and cooking gas prices is likely by mid-May, immediately after the Budget is passed in Parliament. "There is a lot of pressure on the government from oil companies to increase fuel prices but they been informally told to hold on till the Budget is passed in Parliament," a senior government official told HT. "There may be one small increase in petrol price that is likely to...
More »It’s the executive’s job to fix fuel prices, not court’s: Supreme Court
-The Times of India The Supreme Court on Monday said pricing of petrol and diesel determined by a complex mechanism fell exclusively within executive's policy domain and refused to entertain a public interest litigation demanding rollback of repeated sharp hikes in motor fuel prices. Ex-MP P C Thomas had filed the appeal in the apex court challenging a Kerala high court's decision to dismiss his PIL questioning "irrational and hypothetical fixation of...
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