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Alice Bayer, Press Officer Survival International (INGO) speaks to G Vishnu

-Tehelka     Survival International is an NGO that works for the welfare of indigenous tribal populations all over the world. Recently, it launched the Proud, Not Primitive campaign in India. Survival’s press officer Alice Bayer was in India to spread the word. Speaking to G Vishnu, she spells out what is wrong with the development versus tribal rights debate.  Edited Excerpts from an Interview * Tell us about the Proud, Not Primitive campaign? Government...

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New leader, old challenge -Richard Mahapatra

-Down to Earth   India's first PM born after Independence will face the old problem of poverty eradication India may have its first post-Independence-born prime minister this June. But what difference would it make in terms of the country's development agenda? How will the new prime minister face the challenges that have been there since before Independence? Or, what are the developmental challenges the new prime minister may find difficult to address? Arguably,...

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The Difficulty Of Being Good-Mukesh Rawat

-Tehelka   It is time India had a Good Samaritan law  It has been more than a year since the Nirbhaya rape case stirred the nation. Apart from the brutality inflicted upon the victim what else became a stigma for our society was the fact that no one came to the victim's rescue when the two were lying on the street naked and grievously injured. Of course people did cross them in luxurious...

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How Suicide and Politics Mix in India -Sonora Jha

-The New York Times   As politicians scramble for India's 815 million votes in the most expensive and closely contested general election in the nation's history, an unexpected protest is rumbling from what was once one of the country's most placid voter blocs: its farmers. The protest is inflamed by rising attention to the shocking suicide rate on India's hardscrabble farms. Since 1995, more than 290,000 farmers have killed themselves. Though that figure,...

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Come Summer, This Village Wears A Deserted Look -Sisir Panigrahy

-The New Indian Express   PARALAKHEMUNDI: Miliara, a nondescript tribal dominated village in Gumma block of Gajapati, wears a deserted look. Home to 62 families, many of them have shifted to other parts of the State to escape the cruel summer. And those who have stayed back are having to struggle with water crisis, the biggest problem in the village. Villagers here earn their livelihood from tamarind and cashewnut plantation. But no the yield...

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