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Saving Agriculture from Drought

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Agriculture Cumulative rainfall till 05.08.2014 was 405.3 mm which is 19% less than normal or Long Period Average (LPA) of 499.3 mm. As per information provided by IMD, out of 620 districts for which rainfall data is available, 251 (40%) have so far received normal/excess rainfall. State Governments are empowered to initiate appropriate relief measures in the wake drought from funds readily available under State Disaster Response...

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Crimes against dalits rise 245% in last decade

-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: Crimes and atrocities against dalits in Haryana have gone up by about two-and-a-half times during 2004-2013, compared to 1994-2003 period. Figures complied by National Confederation of Dalit Organizations (NACDOR) from National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports suggest amanifold increase in the number of cases related to assault, murder and sexual assault of Dalit women, especially incidents of gang rapes, over the past four years. According to data released...

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50% diesel & seed subsidy to farmers in rain deficit areas

-PTI New Delhi: With an aim to save standing kharif crops from weak monsoon, the Centre on Thursday announced 50 percent diesel subsidy to farmers in places where rainfall deficiency was more than 50 percent as on July 15. The 50 percent subsidy will also be applicable to places as and when states declare them as drought-hit. The government also raised the subsidy ceiling to 50 percent on seeds in order to partially...

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India hopes to convince WTO by Sept on food security issue

-PTI New Delhi: After the recent failure of WTO talks, India on Wednesday hoped that by September it will convince the multi-lateral trading body about the need for developing nations to give subsidies on food stocks so that it is relieved of the "draconian sword". Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitaraman told Rajya Sabha that the tough position adopted by India and the recent talks in Geneva had been supported by many least developed...

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Impact of Global Warming and Climate Change on Rainfall Patterns

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Earth Science Ministry of Environmental and Forests (MoEF), Govt of India had undertaken the Indian second National Communication to UNFCCC during 2009-2011(NATCOM-II). The communication had been a national effort which involved many multi-disciplinary scientific groups. Ministry of Earth Sciences carry out scientific studies on climate change and variability under Global and Regional Climate Change (GRCC) programme. Under GRCC programme of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Earth...

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