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Spurt in SMP PRIces cheers dairy farmers -Rutam Vora

-The Hindu Business Line Export sops, higher consumption to help get rid of excess milk powder stocks The New Year is set to bring smiles on the faces of dairy farmers, thanks to firm PRIces of the skimmed milk powder (SMP) following export incentives by the government. Most co-operative dairies and PRIvate players were able to get rid of their excess SMP stock, which led to firming up of PRIces by at least...

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Why India should expose US hypocrisy on cotton subsidies at the WTO -Sachin Kumar Sharma & Parkhi Vats

-Financial Express Trade and World Trade Organisation (WTO) discussions thrive on perception. Recent actions by the US seek to portray India as flouting WTO rules and distorting the global market by providing huge subsidies to cotton. Left unchallenged, the hypocrisy of the US narrative on cotton could sway WTO members, particularly the cotton-producing African countries. So, what is the fracas on India’s cotton subsidies all about? Shorn of legalese, the US has...

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Milk PRIces set to go up this year -Madhvi Sally

-The Economic Times Milk PRIces are likely to go up in 2019, cooperative dairies said, as supplies are less than usual during this period. Lower returns to farmers have led to the drop in milk production in winter, when supplies tend to go up, they said. “Milk PRIces are bound to increase in 2019. Low stocks of skimmed milk powder (SMP) and a drop in milk supplies compared to previous year are the...

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More than 14 per cent villages in India don't have any school, shows govt data -Ruhi Tewari Rural Development Ministry data shows access to highest level of school education remains a concern, only 6.57 per cent villages have up to senior secondary schools. New Delhi: Over 14 per cent of villages in India don’t have schools, while as many as 10 states in the country have over 15 per cent such villages, shows the latest data available with the Rural Development Ministry. Collected under Mission Antyodaya, the data...

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Slackening of demand indicators weakens India's growth impetus -Aanchal Magazine

-The Indian Express Farmers getting lower PRIces for their produce, much lower than the minimum support PRIces announced by the government for the kharif crops this year, has hit the rural consumption demand story. New Delhi: The consumption-driven story of India’s economic growth is expected to face a slowdown as wide concerns emerge about the weakening rural demand. At a time when public expenditure is likely to be curtailed by the obligation...

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