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Don’t water down food security by Milind Murugkar

There comes a moment in the life of a nation when small differences of opinion are responsible for missing a historic opportunity that the nation may come to regret forever. The regret is greater when realisation strikes later that what seemed like irreconcilable differences could have been easily bridged with a little foresight. We are in such a moment now. The Food Security Bill is a bold measure of historic importance...

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Jaitapur hearing takes place without opponents

Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Tuesday made an emotional appeal for the Jaitapur nuclear power project saying that he would never tolerate an unsafe project for Maharashtra at any cost. Speaking at an “open house” on the project at the Y. B. Chavan auditorium here, the Chief Minister said that in setting up this project about 60 to 65 per cent of the work would be done by Indian companies....

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The route to food security

The need for ensuring food security for the poor is indisputable. However, the means to do so have to be practical and fiscally sustainable. That is what the prime minister’s economic advisory council Chairman C Rangarajan and a group headed by him, which looked into the proposed food security law, seem to think. Most of the points raised by this panel about the recommendations of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory...

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Hint of FDI in food retail by Jayanta Roy Chowdhury

The government is seriously considering minority foreign stake in food retail in the wake of the spurt in food prices. “FDI in (food) retail will lead to demand-driven farming and that can result in clusterised high-growth farming,” food processing minister Subodh Kant Sahay told the The Telegraph. Cabinet secretary K.M. Chandrasekhar is believed to have gone even further — reportedly endorsing a proposal of the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP)...

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Villagers, activists to boycott government meet on Jaitapur

Activists and villagers affected by the Jaitapur nuclear power project will boycott the Maharashtra government's meeting, to be held here on Tuesday to clear misconceptions over nuclear energy. Experts from the nuclear energy establishment, agricultural universities and environment are expected to have an open house with the affected people, the media and elected representatives on the controversial project. Official sources said Srikumar Banerjee, chairperson, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Anil Kakodkar, and...

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