-The Hindustan Times The Maharashtra police are likely to drop the charges against the two Palghar women for their comments on Facebook protesting the shutdown of Mumbai after the death of Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on November 17. The police are also likely to initiate punitive action against the cops who arrested them. An inquiry report on the incident was submitted to chief minister Prithviraj Chavan on Saturday, indicting senior and junior...
RTI query on funeral -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph A Youth Congress member handpicked by Rahul Gandhi today sought an explanation from the party-led government in Maharashtra why Bal Thackeray was cremated with state honours. In his plea filed under the Right to Information Act, Abdul Hafiz Gandhi, who shares his surname with the Congress leader, also wanted to know how the Shiv Sena was given permission to hold their late patriarch’s funeral at Shivaji Park, a public place. The...
More »Over the top-Kalpana Sharma
-The Hoot The coverage given to Thackeray’s death by some television channels was overwhelmingly disproportionate to his contribution to people’s well-being. The comments made by the “experts” were toned by the fear of Sena reprisal, says KALPANA SHARMA. Can Indian news television plumb greater depths? The blanket coverage of Bal Thackeray’s death and funeral on some channels would make any self-respecting journalist hang her head in shame. What were they thinking?...
More »Google enters debate on UN Internet control
-AFP WASHINGTON: Google has jumped into the debate over a UN telecom gathering set to review regulations affecting the Internet, claiming it is "the wrong place" to make decisions about the future of the Web. In a posting on its "take action" blog this week, Google said the December gathering of the UN's International Telecommunications Union comes amid "a growing backlash on Internet freedom." The ITU's World Conference on International Communications opening next...
More »Arrest of Mumbai Girls for Facebook Post 'Draconian': CPI
-Outlook Terming the arrest of two girls in Mumbai for their Facebook posts on the shutdown during Bal Thackeray's funeral as an "assualt" on freedom of speech, CPI today accused Maharashtra government of being "scared" of Shiv Sena and asked it to own up responsibility for the incident. Patry National Secretary D Raja decried the action as "draconian" and wondered whether people have even lost their right to express their opinion freely. "It...
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