-The Hindu In returning their awards, Nayantara Sahgal and Ashok Vajpeyi have reminded Modi of two duties he has neglected — that of upholding a citizen's right to life and of protecting an artist’s right to creativity. Their angst is also directed at the silence of fellow writers and literary institutions.A writer not only seeks to reform a particular injustice in society. She is a tuning fork, a warning signal about...
A State Of Mind -Vikram Patel
-The Indian Express Decades of mismanagement have hobbled India’s mental health programme An event commemorating World Mental Health week opened at the WHO in Geneva this week. At a key session, the Disease Control Priorities project released its recommendations to governments to address the burden of mental disorders. This was timely for India, for few countries have witnessed so many high-profile debates related to mental health while ignoring the centrality of mental health...
More »Dengue cases near 10,000 mark, 5 deaths in as many days
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Dengue figures continued to SPIRal upwards with the total number of cases nearing the 10,000 mark. More than 1,800 cases were reported in the past five days, taking the total number of cases so far this year to 9,438. Of the 1,832 fresh cases, 1,076 are from Delhi, says data released by the municipal corporations on Thursday. The cut-off date in the latest statistics is October 8. There had...
More »Whose Campaign? -Robert Chambers
-The Indian Express Swachh Bharat needs everyone to want a toilet and use it all the time. How can rural sanitation really take off? The stories of missing and badly constructed toilets, of toilets not being used or used as stores, and some only being used by some in the family or some of the time, of people preferring open defecation and considering it healthier, are endless. Political priority, increased subsidy...
More »Indian NGO criticises U.S. climate action plans -Vidya Venkat
-The Hindu In the run-up to the U.N. climate summit in Paris in December, Indian environmental NGO, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), released a report which came down heavily on the U.S. — the second largest emitter of CO2 globally — for not doing enough about climate change, while preaching to other countries, including India, to “act.” In its report ‘Captain America U.S. climate goals: a reckoning,’ the CSE concluded that...
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