Allahabad High Court today partly quashed the acquisition of 2,500 acres for Anil Ambani’s jinxed Dadri power project, rekindling memories of the Singur dispute. A high court division bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and Sudhir Agarwal quashed the land purchase by the Uttar Pradesh government in 2004 under emergency provisions of the Land Acquisition Act of 1894. The court noted that the state government had failed to record the objections...
Farmers throng Delhi against sugarcane pricing policy by Gargi Parsai
If the ordinance is not withdrawn, farmers will stop supplies to the capital, says Ajit Singh Rashtriya Lok Dal leader Ajit Singh on Thursday put the Central government on notice and warned that unless the sugar cane pricing ordinance was withdrawn, farmers would stop supplies of commodities and milk to the capital. “We will shut down Delhi,” he declared at a massive rally of farmers. The rally, which stopped Delhi on...
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