-The Times of India Delhi Police on Friday denied permission to veteran social activist Anna Hazare to hold an indefinite hunger strike at the Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on August 16. The Delhi Police referred to the Supreme Court's 2009 order to deny team Anna permission for the indefinite strike anywhere in Delhi, the Times Now channel reports. The police, in its letter to Hazare, said that as Parliament would be...
ICAI report on black money to be ready in Sept
-PTI The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today said it would submit its report to the government in September, suggesting changes required in the key economic Acts such as Income Tax and FEMA to tackle the menace of black money and ways of retrieving it from tax havens abroad. ICAI had said earlier this month that the report was expected in August. A committee, headed by ICAI President G Ramaswamy, is...
More »Draft vetoes PM and Anna
-The Telegraph The Union cabinet today approved the Lokpal bill after overruling Manmohan Singh, who again advocated bringing the Prime Minister within the corruption ombudsman’s ambit. The higher judiciary, conduct of MPs inside Parliament, and the lower bureaucracy too have been kept out of the Lokpal’s jurisdiction. Anna Hazare, whose civil society group had insisted on all these sections and the Prime Minister being included, termed the draft a “cruel joke” and...
More »Deoband's Vice-Chancellor Nomani to oppose Right to Free and Compulsory Education
Darool Uloom Deoband's new Vice-Chancellor Maulana Abul QasimNomani has said that the Islamic seminary will oppose theRight to Free and Compulsory Education. Speaking at a programme organised by the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind in Delhi on Thursday, Nomani described the Right to Education as an attack on the sovereignty of madarsas and other minority institutions. The Human Resource Development Ministry, however, described these apprehensions as baseless. "The seminary will strongly protest the...
More »Deoband Slams Right to Education Act, to Oppose It by Abhishek Bajpai
Terming the Right to Education Act as an "attack" on the sovereignty of madarsas and other minority institutions, Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband today said it will oppose it. "The seminary will strongly protest the move to snatch rights of madarsas through RTE and it is with the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, which is already opposing it," newly-appointed vice-chancellor Maulana Abul Qasim Nomani told PTI. He said the Act poses...
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