-Live Mint A cabinet committee had allowed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the nodal agency for the Aadhaar project, to collect biometric data until the National Population Register (NPR) rolls out, Union home minister P. Chidambaram said on Thursday. Chidambaram’s statement follows media reports that Aadhaar and NPR projects are duplicating each other’s work and wasting public money. “UID was authorized to collect the biometric details for a limited period until...
Madhya Pradesh's high-tech solution for PDS by Latha Jishnu and Jyotika Sood
State links PDS to UID to plug leakages in food supplies but gaps remain Madhya Pradesh has opted for the technologically most sophisticated—and costliest—method for revamping its public distribution system (PDS). It is one of a handful of states that is trying to ensure that subsidised food reaches the segment it is meant for, the poorest of the population or those below the poverty line (BPL). But the route it has...
More »Lokpal-one among many ways to fight corruption: Nilekani
-IANS The Lokpal bill which is before parliament is only one of the many ways of tackling the menace of corruption, said Nandan Nilekani, chairperson of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Friday. 'I think if we want to do something about corruption, we have to do it in a much broader manner, where the Lokpal bill just becomes one of many things (tackling corruption),' said Nilekani in an interview to...
More »Revamping PDS: a tale of two States by Mahim Pratap Singh
Tired of its own inefficiency in plugging leaks and ensuring timely delivery of ration, the Madhya Pradesh government has decided to take the privatisation route to improve its ailing Public Distribution System. The new system is being put in place by a corporate consortium led by HCL Infosystems with Edenred India Private Ltd ― a subsidiary of corporate meal voucher provider and multinational hospitality giant Accor ― and Virgo Softech Pvt....
More »Nandan Nilekani's UIDAI and Census' NPR in role overlap for fingerprinting and other biometric data by Vikas Dhoot
Two ambitious government projects are competing for your fingerprints. While the National Population Register (NPR) of the Census office has been tasked with the mandate of providing biometric-based identity cards to all Indian residents, Nandan Nilekani's Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has sought more funds to expand the UID enrollment exercise to virtually cover the entire population over the age of five years. According to the original, but little-known proposal,...
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