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Yavatmal: District of Farmers' Suicide -Prof. Madhav Sarkunde Yavatmal is one of 35 districts in Maharashtra state in Indian subcontinent. It is located in the Vidarbha region, in the east-central part of the state. By the time of BRItish rule, its head quarter was at Wani called Wun by then; now it is shifted to Yavatmal. This district is tribal dominated one. According to the 2011 census, total population of this district is 2,772,348 inclusive of 469,000 tribal...

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How we define the street -Jonathan Shapiro Anjaria

-The Indian Express New street vendors act is welcome. But questions of hawkers' rights come down to our understanding of city spaces and people. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2014, was finally passed by the Rajya Sabha on February 19 and received presidential assent last week. This is to be lauded. Since the late 19th century, the official view has been to treat street...

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Drug pricing policies bent to favour pharma industry, allege health experts -Jyotsna Singh

-Down to Earth Nearly 83 per cent medicines out of the ambit of price control policy, thus making them out of reach for most patients, say two recent reports Indicating failure of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy (NPPP), 2012 and the Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO), 2013, two recently-released reports have stated that medicines are still not accessible and affordable for the citizens of the country. The reports that were jointly released...

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Parmesh Shah, the World Bank’s lead rural development specialist for South Asia speaks to Parakram Rautela

-The Times of India blog Between 2011 and 2017, the World Bank will spend $4 billion on rural development in India. Parmesh Shah, the bank's lead rural development specialist for South Asia, talks to Parakram Rautela about how that money is going to be spent and how they're working towards their ultimate aim - a world free of poverty Q. It's one thing to say that you want to eradicate world poverty...

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UN Rapporteur calls for food democracy and agro-ecology in final report The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, today calls for radical transformation of the world's food systems. The emphasis in agricultural policy should shift from productivity to "well-being, resilience and sustainability", he says. This morning De Schutter presented his final report to the UN Human Rights Council after a six-year term as Special Rapporteur. In February, he also presented some of his findings at...

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