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India gained decade of life expectancy since 1990, says Lancet study

-The Hindu/ PTI The study noted that life expectancy in India has risen from 59.6 years in 1990 to 70.8 years in 2019, ranging from 77.3 years in Kerala to 66.9 years in Uttar Pradesh. India has gained more than a decade of life expectancy since 1990, but there are wide inequalities between States, according to a new study which assessed more than 286 causes of death and 369 diseases and injuries...

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Manesar: Protest Against Labour Codes Sees Unionisation of Contract Staff -Ronak Chhabra Fearing that recent changes in labour laws will lead to further contractualisation of labour, several contract workers have joined the unionised of an auto component firm. New Delhi: Better late than never, as the adage goes. In a significant development, a section of contract workers in a major auto component manufacturing company in Manesar has turned to unionisation by enrolling themselves in the employees’ body representing permanent employees. The staff of the...

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India fares poorly in hunger index

-The Hindu Country has the highest prevalence of ‘wasted children’; even Bangladesh and Pakistan score better India has the highest prevalence of wasted children under five years in the world, which reflects acute undernutrition, according to the Global Hunger Index 2020. The situation has worsened in the 2015-19 period, when the prevalence of child wasting was 17.3%, in comparison to 2010-14, when it was 15.1%. Overall, India ranks 94 out of 107 countries...

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Women and work -Diya Dutta

-The Indian Express How unpaid labour by women subsidises the Indian economy The latest time-use survey on women’s and men’s work has just been released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), albeit 20 years after the first time-use survey was conducted. We must congratulate the NSSO for successfully completing this survey as this was much needed. Some startling findings have emerged regarding the work done by men and women — the...

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New labour codes will force workers into a more precarious existence -Maya John

-The Indian Express In real terms, the essential thrust of the new labour codes is the generalisation of a paradigm of labour–capital relations, which is based on reduced state intervention or deregulation, and its corollary, bipartite industrial relations. With Parliament passing the three new labour codes that replace 25 existing labour laws, the present conjuncture officially marks the end of labour law as we have seen it for most part of the...

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