-The Indian Express BIhar has about 75,000 government schools with about three crore students. Nayagaon (Begusarai): Nishu Kumari, a Class IX student at a government-run school, is studying with her brother Nirbhay, a Class VII student and cousin Arpit, a Class I student. Their grandfather Bhagirath Singh is keeping a watch on them as the three have to finish their homework before private tutor Subodh Singh arrives. Nishu’s father Shivjyoti Kumar, a farmer,...
As a district unlocks: ‘Left on a truck to see family, but now I am returning to save them’ -Dipankar Ghose
-The Indian Express Beginning May, a huge influx of returning migrants, unable to sustain themselves in locked-down cities, walking kilometres, starving in trains, reached the succour of home in BIhar. But with no work, and the lockdown affecting the rural economy as well with falling agricultural prices, they are leaving again. Patna: THEY STAND close to each other, bags slung over shoulders, noses pressed against the glass. They watch flights land and...
More »BIhar: Migrants not behind latest surge, hints data
-The Indian Express The state government’s daily health bulletin then showed how migrants accounted for more than half of the positive cases. in the ongoing surge in cases in BIhar, the numbers tell a different story. Patna: When migrants started returning to BIhar on Shramik special trains, private vehicles and even on foot, the state government had raised an alarm about the potential spread of infection and started quarantining them. The state government’s...
More »In times of pandemic, PDS shops should provide rations to all -Rohini Pande, Simone Schaner and Charity Troyer Moore
-The Indian Express India should not allow one emergency — the pandemic — to turn into another. Food security problems are not abating and there are clear steps that should be taken before it is too late. In the early days of India’s lockdown, stories of food insecurity were rampant. As “Unlock 2.0” progresses, many analysts hope that labour markets will provide the much needed economic resources to the vulnerable. But amidst...
More »If India starts acting on the yearly floods in BIhar and Assam, that would be true nationalism -Yogendra Yadav
-ThePrint.in Attention deficit of the public, policy dyslexia and lack of political will lie at the roots of the recurring tragedy of flooding in Assam and BIhar. It’s an annual affair. Every year the floods arrive, bring devastation. ‘Reliefs’ arrive, bring consolation. Nothing changes. Water recedes. Drowned for months, the land emerges, drained of life. Hordes of living skeletons teeter on this dead land to build a life again.” It could be this...
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