-The Hindu On a day of fast-paced developments, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday reached out to the fasting anti-corruption crusader, Anna Hazare, with a new formula to break the log-jam on the contours of the proposed Lokpal institution: a debate in Parliament over his proposals with a promise to refer the sense of the House to the Standing Committee for its consideration. This was followed by an extraordinary gesture from...
Arundhati Roy’s anti-Anna tirade: High on anger, short on rigour by Shalini Singh
While the rest of the world is saluting the birth of a miracle - the manifestation of the best of the human spirit in a peaceful movement that is uniting millions of people across religions, geographies and social and economic groups - Arundhati Roy has seized the opportunity to be intellectually irreverent. Sadly, her vituperative dismissal of this powerful human revolution in her piece, ‘I would rather not be Anna' published...
More »Yes, there is an alternative by Anjali Bhardwaj & Aruna Roy
There are two broad governance issues that concern every citizen in this country today: corruption at different levels in the government, and grievances arising from the government’s poor functioning. The last few months have seen an outpouring of emotions related to these issues. It is amply clear that the people of India want no one to be above the law; everyone, irrespective of the position they hold, should be accountable. ...
More »Talks stuck on three issues, Hazare to continue fast
-IANS Talks between the government and Team Anna continued to be hindered by three 'sticking issues' Wednesday, when Anna Hazare's fast for a strong Lokpal bill entered the ninth day amid concerns that his health was deteriorating and time was running out. 'Another round of talks are on between Salman Khurshid (law minister) and Team Anna,' former police officer and Team Anna member Bedi tweeted ahead of an all-party meeting on the...
More »Lokpal logjam: Govt bends 70%, Anna seeks 90%
-The Times of India A day after TOI front-paged an 'appeal' to both sides to seek common ground for the sake of the nation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote to Anna Hazare, who has been on fast for eight days, saying the government would request the Lok Sabha Speaker to "formally refer the Jan Lokpal Bill to the standing committee". This panel would consider all versions, including the government's, Team Anna's...
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