-The Times of India The state CID has written to Facebook asking it to delete certain morphed images of chief minister Mamata Banerjee after a Trinamool Congress supporter lodged a complaint on April 12, citing specific posts and 'objectionable comments' flooding social networking sites. The CID also wants to know the IP addresses from where the pictures were posted. It is sure to scare netizens after what happened to Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh...
Attack on beef fest against ‘food fascism’-GS Radhakrishna
-The Telegraph A student was stabbed and injured last night as violence flared at Osmania University over a “beef festival” organised by Dalit students to assert their right to eat their traditional food on the campus. The government, worried that the issue may snowball and re-ignite the Telangana movement at its epicentre, has swamped the campus with paramilitary and police who caned the fighting students and fired tear gas. Still, skirmishes continued...
More »Paribartan: Supporters turn critical of Mamata Banerjee-Atmadip Ray & Sutanuka Ghosal
Paribartan, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee's rallying cry for change during last year's landmark assembly polls, seems to represent the disillusionment among her supporters more than the way the state is being governed. Several of her newfound supporters, including former Left icons who helped her acquire a certain legitimacy against the ideology-driven Communist parties, have turned critical of her government. The tide seems be turning faster since the arrest of...
More »An Ineffectual Start for Elder Sister by Dan Morrison
When Mamata Banerjee defeated the Communist Party of India (Marxist) last May after 34 years of power in West Bengal, her victory was portrayed by optimists as the beginning of a Kolkata Spring. Free of the communists’ rural thugs and urban heelers, the story went, the state would finally enter the 21st century. One year after Banerjee’s landslide, however, the new boss is looking a lot like the old one —...
More »Imagine a poverty line-Surjit S Bhalla
No matter where you draw the line, the fall in poverty is greater in high GDP growth years Some plain facts and some ugly truths. The plain fact is that poverty in India has declined at a rapid pace during the UPA years post 2004. An ugly truth. When the Planning Commission released the estimates of poverty in India, on the basis of the household survey conducted by the NSS in...
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