-The Business Standard The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on Wednesday called for a level playing field for getting information for auditing purposes. Pointing out that responses from government departments were often delayed, CAG Vinod Rai said “the auditor is not given the powers which a man on the street has”. He was speaking at a panel discussion at the Business Standard Annual Awards here on Wednesday. Rai was referring...
Coalgate: CAG may stick to 'Rs 10.7 lakh crore' figure in final report; expected to soften tone
-The Economic Times The national auditor is expected to stick to its controversial estimate of Rs 10.7 lakh crore as gains accrued to companies due to allocation of coal blocks on government discretion instead of auctioning them, an official in the Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG) office said. This is set to further embarrass the UPA government that has been mired in a series of controversies. "The report is not yet final,...
More »A Strike against Pharma MNCs
-Economic and Political Weekly The compulsory licence for Nexavar is only the beginning of a new battle over drug prices. The grant of a compulsory licence (CL) to Natco Pharma, a relatively small Indian pharmaceutical company, to manufacture and sell the cancer drug sorafenib (Nexavar) has been rightly hailed as a major step forward for public health and the wider availability of life saving medicines. The German pharmaceutical company Bayer holds the patent...
More »Once Again without Credibility
-Economic and Political Weekly Budget 2012, built yet again at the altar of fiscal fundamentalism, will not convince anybody. In this era of immediate assessment it took just a few minutes for the Union Budget for 2012-13 to be given one or the other negative appellation – “lacklustre”, “anti-growth”, “back to the 1980s”, “without reform” and the like. Such evaluations forget that union budgets have long since ceased to be statements of...
More »Govt mum on Kudankulam N-plant funds fuelling row
-The Times of India While the government admitted Thursday in Parliament that foreign funding sources of NGOs active at Kudankulam were being probed, it refused to confirm if the money was being used to fuel protests against nuclear reactors being built there. Replying to a question in Rajya Sabha, minister of state in PMO V Narayanasamy said NGOs getting money from the US and Scandinavian countries were actively involved in the protests....
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