-Express News Service Taking over the investigations into the Gopalgarh riots, the CBI on Wednesday registered five FIRs in the case. The investigating agency has constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by an SP for an expeditious probe into the case. A CBI spokesperson said the agency took over the investigations following a request from the Rajasthan government. A CBI team, accompanied by forensics experts, visited Bharatpur last week and collected...
Two attempts to incite riots, the first one failed but the second did not by Deepu Sebastian Edmond
Four days after the riots that killed four in Rudrapur, the exodus hasn’t stopped. Over the six hours during which curfew was relaxed on Wednesday and Thursday, hundreds left the town. Just before the curfew was lifted on Thursday evening, the town celebrated Dussehra. The event was more ritualistic than celebratory. The three effigies were burnt down, and the Mahatma Gandhi ground emptied in a matter of minutes. There is no history...
More »UID Aadhaar as if People Matter by SG Vombatkere
Media Reports The UID Aadhaar project planning and system design shortcomings and security risks at the national (or macro) level have been discussed elsewhere.1 The present article views the Aadhaar project at the system operational level, with practical considerations based on observed and probable functioning at the service delivery end. Consider the following report in a local daily, The Mysore Bugle: Food riots: PDS outlet vandalised Mysore: August 2, 2015—The PDS outlet in Ashokpuram...
More »Gehlot visits Gopalgarh, urges people to restore harmony
-PTI Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday urged the riot-affected people of Gopalgarh area in Bharatpur to restore harmony and not pay attention to provocative statements given by some "irresponsible public representatives". Gehlot was on a visit to the area which witnessed communal clashes on September 14 following dispute on a public land. Nine people were killed and several injured in the riots. The chief minister said there were some "irresponsible public...
More »Untold story of riots: Attack on maulvi, a man who cried wolf by Apurva
The key to determining the events that led to the death of nine Meo Muslims in clashes in Bharatpur’s Gopalgarh on September 14 could lie with two figures, a Meo and a Gurjjar, both “underground” at the moment. The Meo is a 47-year-old maulvi called Abdul Rashid, who was allegedly severely assaulted by the Gurjjars the day before the killings, which greatly agitated the Meos. The Gurjjar is an unidentified man who...
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