-The Hindu "I lay the blame for a lot of this at the door of Parliament," lawyer and leading women's rights activist Vrinda Grover said. In January 2013, Seema (name changed), who had moved to Delhi from rural Bihar with her brother went to the Hanuman temple on Delhi's Panchkuian Road with 19-year-old Sameer (name changed). He put vermilion on her forehead, the couple embraced and now married in their own eyes,...
The fast food bomb -Vandana Prasad
-The Hindu Obesity among children due to rampant consumption of junk food has reached epidemic proportions. With India already in the grip of this dangerous global trend, the government needs to remove its blinkers on the processed food industry One of the first declarations of the newly elected government in June was a proposal to ban unhealthy or junk food (defined as food high on fat, sugar and salt) in school...
More »The many shades of rape cases in Delhi -Rukmini S
-The Hindu The Hindu investigates behind the rape numbers A six-month long investigation by The Hindu has revealed that the nature of reported sexual assault in Delhi is far more complex than earlier imagined. Among the key findings is that a third of all the cases heard during one year dealt with consenting couples whose parents had accused the boy of rape. Over the last six months, The Hindu analysed all cases involving...
More »Most vulnerable women live on capital's periphery: Study
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Women staying in resettlements, slum clusters, unauthorized colonies, villages and on the outskirts of Delhi are at a greater risk of sexual violence. This comes through in a mapping exercise based on the details of callers on the 181 helpline for women in distress set up by the Delhi government after the Nirbhaya case. Police stations where the maximum cases were registered on the basis of...
More »For a blueprint to fight poverty and hunger -V Rajagopal
-The Hindu We need a National Authority on Hunger Elimination, with adequate funds and exclusive powers, administrative and financial Of the eight Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations, the first relates to eradicating poverty and extreme hunger, halving hunger by 2015. But most of the countries, including India, have not achieved tangible results on this front. With 2015 around the corner, the new government has a major task of addressing...
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