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The need to measure poverty -C Rangarajan

-The Hindu Policymakers must continue to follow the twofold strategy of letting the economy grow fast and attacking poverty directly through poverty alleviation programmes In June 2012, the government of India appointed a committee to take a new look at the methodology for measuring poverty. The committee submitted its report towards the end of June 2014. The purpose of this article is to briefly explain the approach taken by this committee. Growth is...

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Undervalued riches of top 1% point to greater global inequality -Jeanna Smialek

-Live Mint Research shows the wealth of the super-affluent-hidden by tax shelters and non-response to questionnaires-is undercounted Washington: The 1% is literally rich beyond measure, depriving nations of billions in tax revenue and obscuring shifts in global inequality. Research conducted separately by European Central Bank (ECB) economist Philip Vermeulen and the London School of Economics' Gabriel Zucman shows the wealth of the super-affluent-hidden by tax shelters and non-response to questionnaires-is under-counted. Correcting...

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Gender empowerment through family farms -Kanayo F Nwanze and MS Swaminathan

-The Asian Age In India and around the world, poverty is predominantly rural. Development agencies often note that 75 per cent of the world's extremely Poor people - those who earn less than $1.25 a day - live in rural areas. New figures from the 2014 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which measures overlapping dimensions of deprivation, show that rural poverty rates are even higher in some regions. In South Asia, the...

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Genome sequencing of ragi to boost crop yield -Niranjan Kaggere

-Bangalore Mirror The process will be done by universities with assistance from the state's agriculture department The spurt in the number of diabetics has led to an increase in consumption of ragi (finger millet). However, the state's agriculture department is at its wits end as the yield and cultivation of ragi has plummeted over the years. To bridge the gap between demand and supply, it has hit on the idea of genome...

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Small-holder farmers key to sustainable agri development: IFAD

-PTI UN body for development of agriculture IFAD today said small-holder farmers should be the starting point for sustainable development. Speaking at the 8th TAAS (Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences) foundation lecture, IFAD President, Kanayo Nwanze said, "... We see time and time again the transformation that occurs when development is sustainable and when local people are involved from the start...Our starting point for sustainable agricultural development must be small-holder farmers." Nwanze,...

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