Total Matching Records found : 9482

Clean energy can light up lives-Sandip Verma

-The Hindu Biomass cookstoves and solar lighting improve the health of women and are creating business models that empower them Around the world three billion people have no access to modern cooking fuels. They depend mostly on direct burning of solid biomass for cooking and heating. The smoke from these rudimentary stoves causes some four million deaths annually, destroys millions of tonnes of crops and leads to global warming and large-scale regional...

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Activists hail report on HPV vaccines, but PATH says no violations-Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu     Report points to a serious dereliction of duty by many of the institutions involved Health activists have appreciated the Parliamentary Standing Committee's report on the "Alleged Irregularities in the Conduct of Studies Using Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine by PATH in India." They commended "its candid, transparent contents, which reflect the committee's acknowledgement of the unethical nature of the HPV trials'' conducted in the country. In the trials, Program for Appropriate...

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Sow the wind, reap a storm-G Padmanaban

-The Hindu Those opposing GM crops ignore scientific evidence of their harmlessness and are depriving the nation of the wider benefits of agri-biotechnology It is unfortunate that the technical group appointed by the Supreme Court has chosen to stick with its recommendation for an indefinite moratorium on GM crop trials. There is fierce opposition from activists even to the introduction of the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority Bill (BRAI) in Parliament, meant to evolve...

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Food Bill will help over 80 per cent coverage in Jharkhand villages-Anumeha Yadav

-The Hindu State's share of subsidised foodgrains will increase by 68 per cent; Centre will bear an additional subsidy of Rs. 595 crore Ranchi: On June 14, at Manika in Latehar, 180 km from Ranchi, more than 300 men and women stood in the pouring monsoon rain to record their testimonies about the functioning of public schemes in their villages as district officials listened at a public hearing organised by the Gram...

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The land Bill is pro-bureaucracy, anti-farmer-NC Saxena

-The Business Standard The process prescribed in the law is so cumbersome and time consuming that neither industry nor landowner will benefit Fast economic growth in the last two decades has increased demand for land from many sources, such as infrastructure, industry, mining, and urbanisation, including real estate. Even when these activities are funded privately and are driven by profit motive, they serve a social purpose since employment generation per unit of...

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