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Workers returning to Delhi post-lockdown stare at joblessness -Ashok Kumar Soibam and Rocky Singh

-The Hindu Several workers returning to Gurugram and Delhi from their home towns after the lockdown discover their employers have already filled their positions Vijay Mishra, a chhole-poori vendor on Jharsa Road in Gurugram, is the odd man out among a row of fruit sellers. The 38-year-old makes ₹200-₹300 daily, not even half of what he used to earn at his job in Maruti Suzuki India Limited before the lockdown. Like thousands of...

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Farm bills: India’s fields are on fire -Devinder Sharma

-The Telegraph The tearing hurry with which agriculture market reforms have been pushed through, without even consulting farmers, has resulted in huge farm protests in Punjab and Haryana At a time when I see euphoria among mainstream economists over the new set of agricultural reforms, media reports say that the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices has observed that only 12 per cent of India’s paddy cultivators were able to sell their...

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India's Small Schools are Failing to Provide Equal Education to Rural Children -Tanoj Meshram The new National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020 hereafter) has rekindled the debate on the various kinds of problems in Indian education. One of the problems which has bothered me is the need for reforms in rural government elementary schools, more specifically the need for addressing the problem of sub-optimal schooling experiences and poor learning outcomes of poor rural children. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2014 brought out...

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Looking for a 19-year-old -Jignasa Sinha and Somya Lakhani

-The Indian Express She cannot tell her story. Instead, her grieving family, a tense village in Hathras riven by deep fault lines, and a sordid drama by police and the administration, have taken over the narrative. The Sunday Express reports from her home. Hathras: IT WAS a busy month on the sewing machine for the 19-year-old. On August 26, a baby was born, her brother’s third daughter. Apart from the usual embroidery...

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There is much in the labour codes that needs to be discussed and debated -Ravi Srivastava

-The Indian Express Government’s response to migrants’ plight, economic crisis, has been to unilaterally bring changes in labour laws. But industrial prosperity cannot be built on a race to the bottom for workers. Only weeks ago, India, and the entire world, witnessed the spectacle of the country’s employment precarity pour out on its roads and highways — men, women and children, in distress of having lost jobs, income and shelter, with no...

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